Welcome to the County of Nowy Targ

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Welcome to the County of Nowy Targ

We wish to offer you a journey, along the scenic routes, round the Nowy Targ County, a region rich in diversity and cultural heritage. We will welcome you with the hospitality, traditionally associated with the residents of this region, the Polish highlanders. To this day, in many highlander homes there are embroideries with saying: ‘A guest in the home is like God in the home’ and so, as is our custom, we will welcome our guests with warmth and affection.

We will show you the most splendid sights of the Nowy Targ Region and encourage you to return often.

The County of Nowy Targ is located in the south of Poland, at the foot of The Carpatian Mountains. Embracing a picturesque land, it stretches from the green Orawa district, with its peculiar peat bogs and marshland, over which towers the ‘queen’ of the Beskid Mountains – Babia Góra, to the Podhale Region, to the thickly forested Gorce Mountains, to Czorsztyn Lake with its many attractions, to the interesting Spisz area and to the limestone precipices of the Pieniny Mountains, sharply outlined against the blue sky and boldly towering over the majestic Dunajec River.

If you want to familiarize with the real nature of southern Poland, you must visit us. The county of Nowy Targ embraces vast diversity of landscape, rich architectural heritage and folk art as well as numerous cultural and artistic events. The varied climate of this region and the richness of water springs make the area an ideal place for popular health resorts, such as Rabka-Zdrój, known as the town of the world's children, and Szczawnica, famous for painted emblems which substitute the numbers of villas situated in this town.

In the county of Nowy Targ there are three national parks: Babiogórski, Gorczański, and Pieniński. Picturesque mountainsides of the Beskid Mountains and The Pieniny Mountains, and torrents contribute to different forms of tourism, agrotourism, and ecotourism.

Mountain lovers will find here scenic hiking and cycling paths, and those who are interested in horse riding will be delighted by numerous stables offering horse riding lessons in scenic surroundings.

Those, who like stronger emotions, can overcome rapid currents of rivers by kayaks or try out themselves in climbing and even go hang-gliding.

Nowy Targ County can boast of vast amount of historic monuments which are contained in The Wooden Architecture Track and The Gothic Track.

Orawa, Podhale, The Pieniny Mountains and Spisz – there are four lands which have a lot of parts with a view of the mountain peaks and charming landscapes. In the countryside wooden houses and churches, full of magnificent works of art, are situated, and we must say that they are not built anywhere else in Poland.

Apart from Nowy Targ (the capital of the region) and health resorts (Rabka-Zdrój and Szczawnica) there are no cities here, but almost each little village boasts of rich history and precious monuments.

So, we invite to a tour through this exceptional land!

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XIV SESJA RADY POWIATU NOWOTARSKIEGOW Starostwie Powiatowym w Nowym Targu w celu usprawnienia obsługi, obowiązuje system rezerwacji wizyt. Możesz umówić się telefonicznie poprzez Biuro Obsługi Klienta tel.: 18 266 13 00 lub on-line: rejestracja.nowotarski.pl
XIV SESJA RADY POWIATU NOWOTARSKIEGOW Starostwie Powiatowym w Nowym Targu w celu usprawnienia obsługi, obowiązuje system rezerwacji wizyt. Możesz umówić się telefonicznie poprzez Biuro Obsługi Klienta tel.: 18 266 13 00 lub on-line: rejestracja.nowotarski.pl